The Results Are In! Measuring Student Success in Afterschool Programs
Track student success in out-of-school time programs by defining success, setting goals, determining measurement methods, & considering the big picture.
The evidence is clear on what leads to high-quality programs with great impact. How do you measure up? Let's work together to drive better outcomes.
Monitor data across all of your sites, such as recruitment status, attendance and staff learning, as you benefit from a bird’s eye view of trends and insights.
Prove your impact to stakeholders, showcasing your outcomes and rigorous measurement data.
Utilize Arly’s marketing resources and impact reporting to bring your story to life.
Explore how Arly can help drive high-quality and improve outcomes.
Utilize feedback captured from your end-of-program surveys to make data-driven enhancements to your program and share your story. Understand engagement, experience, well-being, academics, and program satisfaction.
of youth said they enjoyed the program.
of staff felt youth had voice and choice in their program.
of families were highly satisfied with the program.
Since we are funded primarily through 21st CCLC, we needed to maintain 80% attendance throughout the program. In the past, this was something I calculated on my own. It was so convenient being able to check Arly’s attendance portal for a quick check of how the attendance for each site was looking.
Make your program or activity measurable from the start. Discover trends, success stories, and highlight your impact to stakeholders.
Explore impactful resources for your youth program. Discover trends, success stories, and Arly solutions.
Track student success in out-of-school time programs by defining success, setting goals, determining measurement methods, & considering the big picture.
To understand, create, and implement evidence-based best practices, we've made a quick-start guide to help you elevate program quality.
Explore how Arly's Platform Reporting enables you to effectively track and analyze outcomes for informed decision-making.